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    ZWIE visited YCCECE, discussing educational development


    22 Apr, 2024

    11 : 11

    • On 22 April 2024, Mr Haifeng Huang, Chairman of ZWIE, Dr Mei Li , Assistant to the Chairman, Ms Yanyan Wu , Senior Brand Director, Dr Peiqi Zhai, Principal of the Guangzhou Zhongshan Whampoa School for Hong Kong and Macao Students, and Dr Chuntao Wu , Director of the Institute of Talent Empowerment and Innovation at Jinan University, visited YCCECE. The purpose of this visit was for both parties to exchange views on their education pedagogy and models and explore future cooperation opportunities.


      Professor Allan Yuen, President of YCCECE, warmly welcomed ZWIE delegation. Subsequently, the delegation visited the PPDS to "visualize" the "learning through play" education pedagogy, where various themed early childhood play set ups have been specially designed. This facility not only provides spaces for children to engage in independent play exploration but also serves as a living laboratory for professional teacher training.


      The delegation also visited the kidsploration library, where a corner displayed milestone events of the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network over the past 90 years. Mr Huanqiang Lao, Assistant Chairman of the the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network and General Manager of the Greater Bay Area, introduced that since the establishment of the first school in 1932, the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network has been continuously creating various educational models around the world. It is worth mentioning that the establishment of YCCECE has completed educational spectrum from infants to bachelor's degrees.


      During the discussion, Dr Qing Liu, Assistant Dean of Studies and Programme Manager (Bachelor of Education (Hons) in Early Childhood Education) introduced the YCCECE's emphasis on collaboration, internationalization, and multicultural integration, along with its "East-West integration, holistic education" curriculum, focusing on practical-based teaching and capabilities and, as well as personalizing student development.


      Dr Mei Li also presented ZWIE's exploration achievements over the past 20 years in integrated curriculum exploration, classroom teaching reform, educational evaluation innovation, teacher professional development, and global competence cultivation, particularly in integrating advanced educational concepts represented by the IB curriculum and traditional Chinese culture inheritance.


      Mr Haifeng Huang shared the vision and mission of ZWIE, expressing that through this exchange, they discovered a high degree of consistency between the driving forces of national basic curriculum promotion and the globalization of Chinese culture. He hoped for collaborative resource sharing and comprehensive cooperation between the two educational groups.


      Mr Zhongming Zheng, a member of the board of directors and assistant chairman of the the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network, first introduced the network's efforts and exploration in the Hong Kong education field, as well as its strategic layout in the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative. Mr. Zheng agreed with the compatibility of each other's educational philosophies and methods, emphasizing the need to respond to the national call and contribute to the revitalization of education.


      Subsequently, both groups conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on educational development, cooperation opportunities, and exchanged gifts and took photos for commemoration. This exchange witnessed the convergence and resonance between the two educational groups, believing that in the future, they will work together to provide quality education, cultivate future talents, and contribute to the vigorous development of education cause in China.