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    Distinguished Yew Chung Educators 2023


    27 Apr, 2023

    22 : 54

    • With the support from the YCYW Community across the globe, we were able to launch the inaugural Distinguished Yew Chung Educators (DYCE) Awards in 2021 to honour and acknowledge Yew Chung educators for their professionalism, excellence, and selfless dedication in the field of Education. The gifts made in tribute to the four inaugural DYCE Awardees– the late Ms Cecilia Kam, the late Ms Lam Ching Lan, the late Mr Bob Parkin, and the late Ms Suen Kwan Hon – commemorated their legacies, and enabled the naming of the Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) library as the “Kidsploration Library”, an important asset of the College that supports our many Student Teachers, who are all aspiring to be brilliant Yew Chung Educators.


      As we move to jubilate our remarkable 90-year milestone, YCYW formally honours the second cohort of Distinguished Yew Chung Educators, who have long served our Schools in exemplary and history-making ways. Among the ten DYCE 2023 awardees, Dr Gary Morrison and Ms Priscilla Yeung have made significant contribution to YCCECE. Dr Morrison worked with Dr Betty Chan to launch the Yew Chung Community College (YCCC) in Hong Kong in 2008, and serving as the inaugural Chairman of the College Governing Council. In 2018, YCCC transformed into the degree-awarding Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, his groundbreaking achievements were recognized in 2019, when he was awarded the inaugural YCCECE Honorary Fellowship. Ms Yeung has continued to support Yew Chung schools as a consultant, as well as advisor to YCCECE.


      More details of the DYCE Awards 2023 can be found here: