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    Flag-Raising Ceremony Commemorating Hong Kong SAR's 27th Anniversary


    28 Jun, 2024

    22 : 05

    • This year marks the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong SAR's return to China. On June 30th at 10am, all faculty and staff of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education participated in a dignified flag-raising ceremony on campus to show their respect for the country.


      Led by students, the flag-raising team marched to the platform as the national anthem played. Attendees stood respectfully as they watched the five-star red flag ascend. 


      After the ceremony, faculty and staff took a commemorative photo with the flag-raising team.


      Flag-raising team members today:

      • Felix CHAN Fung Hei (DECEC student)
      • Heidi CHAN Hoi Tak (BEd Year 3 student)
      • WONG Ho Yin (BEd Year 3 student)
      • Anthony YEUNG Hung Fai (HDECE Year 1 student)