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    YCCECE Faculty Staff Receive HKCAAVQ Appointment


    23 Aug, 2023

    22 : 51

    • YCCECE Faculty Staff Receive HKCAAVQ Appointment

      (From left) Dr Crystal Zheng, Dr Phoebe Cheung, Dr Ana Olguin, and Dr Cathy Hung of YCCECE are appointed as the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) Specialists in Education. This affirmed their extensive experience and expertise. The appointment ceremony was held on 22 August 2023. A total of 143 local specialists are appointed by the HKCAAVQ this year. As of July 2023, there are 663 specialists appointed. 


      The HKCAAVQ identifies prospective specialists from its established networks including the Industry Training Advisory Committees, trade unions, trade associations, industry training organisations, professional bodies, representatives of educational institutions, and other local and international quality assurance organisations. HKCAAVQ does not accept self-nomination.  Nominees are appointed as Specialists of HKCAAVQ on the basis of their experience and expertise in relevant industries and /or disciplines as well as in quality assurance and/or qualifications frameworks.