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    Public seminar by Professor Li Minyi, Beijing Normal University


    15 Nov, 2023

    02 : 27

    • On 14 November 2023, Professor Minyi Li, from the Faculty of Education at Beijing Normal University chaired a seminar in YCCECE Tin Wan campus, titled “The Development of Online Teaching and Learning in HEIs: Introducing the Online Course  'Comparative Early Childhood Education'”. During the seminar she delivered a presentation on strategies for developing an exceptional Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in the field of early childhood education in China. During her talk, she highlighted four fundamental factors that contribute to the success of such courses: addressing existing gaps, establishing national and international networks, employing interactive teaching methodologies, and facilitating the connection between global and local innovations. Professor Li supported her points by providing examples and sharing her own insights gained from her experiences in the United States, where she observed the exponential growth of MOOCs and witnessed the recent reforms implemented by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China (PRC).


      Chaired by Professor Li Minyi, the online curriculum in Comparative Early Childhood Education has been nationally recognized as a first-class undergraduate course by the Ministry of Education. In the course, Professor Li discusses with early childhood educators and students early education systems in different countries and regions, including the evolution and the state of the art in Early Childhood Education and Care, focusing on issues such as the development and revolution in EC ideologies, national curriculum development and implementation, as well as the transition from kindergarten to primary, and the integration between care and early childhood education.

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