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    Students Discover the Joy of Play-Based Learning at Fuji Kindergarten


    02 Jul, 2024

    16 : 46

    • On a recent student exchange trip in June, a group of students from Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) had the opportunity to visit Fuji Kindergarten in Tokyo, Japan. The visit offered profound insights into the play-based learning model championed by the renowned principal, Mr. Sekiichi Kato.


      At Fuji Kindergarten, the curriculum is firmly rooted in the belief that play is essential for a child's holistic development. Myra Lam, a fourth-year Bachelor student, observed, "The Fuji Kindergarten model emphasizes the importance of careful observation, a thoughtfully designed environment, strong teacher-student bonds, and the gradual building of habits and independence in supporting the development of young children through play-based learning."


      Mr. Kato, who has dedicated his career to nurturing happy, confident, and independent children, shared his passion for creating a joyful, stimulating environment where students can explore, discover, and learn at their own pace. His approach is a testament to his commitment to fostering an engaging and supportive learning atmosphere.


      Claire, another fourth-year student, remarked on the unique design of the school. "The school was also designed to have 'inconveniences' such as the blocks on the circular rooftop to encourage children to adapt and embrace diversity, reflecting their policy: 'kids first. help me do it myself'." She also noted, "The circular layout of the school reminded me of the circular dining tables back in Hong Kong. Interesting, when seated at a round table, everyone is equal, regardless of their status and wealth. Mealtime is a time for family members to converse. In this school, the classrooms are all laid out in a circular shape. During the earthquake and fire drill, all the classes efficiently evacuated their classrooms at the same time. From my perspective, the circular layout of the school just like a round dinning table and it symbolizes equality. All stakeholders here have the same goal: to create a happy future."


      The visit left a lasting impression on the YCCECE group, who expressed their gratitude to Mr. Sekiichi Kato and his team for generously sharing their learning space. This experience underscored the invaluable insights gained through international exchange and highlighted the importance of implementing learn-through-play philosophies across diverse cultural backgrounds


    • Principal Mr. Sekiichi Kato introduced the campus design

    • Student from YCCECE engaged in an interactive session with children and teachers at Fuji Kindergarten

    • Oval shape rooftop (Official website photo)

    • Corridor outside classroom (Official website photo)