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    Designing Effective Assessment Strategies in Higher Education


    14 Jun, 2024

    15 : 21

    • On 11 June 2024, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education welcomed Prof Yan Zi from the Education University of Hong Kong for a seminar on "Designing Effective Assessment Strategies in Higher Education", exploring the purpose of assessment and the design of appropriate assessment strategies.


      During the seminar, Prof Yan emphasized that assessment should not be seen as the sole purpose, but rather as a means to serve learning, inform teaching, and guide curriculum development. He highlighted the concept of the "double (or multiple) duty of assessment," which involves grading and learning, evaluating student achievements while also improving teaching methods, and maintaining objective standards while fostering healthy student comparisons.


      Furthermore, Prof Yan delved into the relationship between learning and assessment, specifically focusing on formative and summative assessment approaches. He provided valuable insights on how assessment tasks can serve both formative and summative purposes, stressed the importance of student engagement with feedback processes, and offered suggestions and strategies in these areas.


      In addition, Prof Yan also touched upon the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on self-assessment, highlighting its ability to provide instant feedback and enhance student engagement, while cautioning about potential pitfalls.


      Overall, the seminar shed light on the significance of involving students as partners in the assessment process, considering alternative assessment methods, and critically utilizing technology and AI. It provided valuable insights for educators and practitioners in higher education seeking to enhance their assessment strategies.