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    Student Representatives Attended The Wofoo Leaders’ Network Annual Conference and High Table Dinner 2023-24


    16 Jun, 2024

    22 : 22

    • The Wofoo Leaders' Network Annual Conference and High Table Dinner 2023-24 was successfully held at the Eaton Hotel in Hong Kong on June 12, 2024. The event was attended by several distinguished guests, including Mr. Leo Chan, Supervisor of the Steering Committee of the Wofoo Leadership Network, Mr. Clement Woo Kin-man, Under Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the Hong Kong SAR Government, and Professor Allan Yuen Hoi-kau, President of the Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE).


      YCCECE has been a long-time supporter of the Wofoo Leaders' Network, and student representatives were also in attendance, including Ms Heidi Chan Hoi-tik, a year 3 student of the Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education program, Ms Nicole Li Man-huen, a year 1 student of the same program, and Mr Felix Chan Fung-hei, a diploma student. At the dinner, the students were delighted to meet alumna Ms. Jennifer Ho Yan Ha, who is the President of the 12th Wofoo Leaders' Network Association. She took the opportunity to encourage her fellow students to actively participate in and promote the Wofoo Leaders' Network, so that their peers can seize the chance to broaden their horizons and give back to the community.


      Professor Yuen encouraged the students to seek diverse learning opportunities to enrich their college experience, learn more about the latest developments in society, and keep up with changes beyond their academic studies. The students expressed their gratitude to the organizer, the Wofoo Leaders' Network, for actively promoting youth affairs and providing everyone with the chance to connect and learn from one another.


      The Wofoo Leaders' Network is an influential organization that focuses on nurturing and empowering young leaders in Hong Kong. The annual conference and dinner is a flagship event that brings together key stakeholders, distinguished guests, and student representatives to celebrate the achievements of the network and chart the course for the year ahead.


      The student representatives in attendance were not merely passive participants; they actively engaged with the alumni and leadership, forging valuable connections and exchanging ideas. This two-way exchange is a hallmark of the network, as it seeks to create a supportive ecosystem where young people can grow, learn from experienced mentors, and contribute their unique views.


    • Student representatives took a picture with President Prof Allan Yuen.

    • From left: Heidi, Felix, and Nicole attended the event.